Call for UFCST Seed Grant Proposals (Graduate Students and Postdocs)
The University of Florida Center for Smell and Taste is calling for seed grant proposals from graduate students or postdoctoral researchers in UFCST member labs. These grants are designed to facilitate the research of trainees in chemosensory science as they gather preliminary data to support an extramural fellowship application.
Applications due November 19, 2018 (5:00 pm).
The Trainee PI must:
- be enrolled at or employed by the University of Florida.
- work in a UFCST-member laboratory.
- propose a research project related to the mission area of the UFCST
- plan to submit an extramural grant/fellowship application (federal, state or private foundation) within one (1) year of the seed grant award. Typically this will be an individual training fellowship, but other grant mechanisms may be appropriate. Failure to do so could jeopardize future seed grant support for the laboratory.
- submit a letter of support from his/her mentor acknowledging the application, research plan and the expectations of the seed grant program
Complete applications will require:
- the completed form fields and questions, including a short Abstract (1800 characters max), a statement of relevance to the mission of the UFCST (1800 characters max) and plans for future funding (1000 characters max).
- an attached pdf letter of support from the trainee’s mentor
- an attached, single pdf containing the Specific Aims and Research Plan (up to 2 pages in total) and References (1 page)
- an attached, single pdf containing the budget and justification (typically 1 page)
- acknowledgements that relevant approvals (e.g., IACUC, IRB, IBC) must be in place before funds can be dispersed
Grants are for one (1) year, and budgets cannot exceed $5000. Eligible expenses include those needed to conduct the proposed research, such as reagents, disposables, equipment, animals or travel to a research site. Salaries or fringe benefits are not eligible for funding through this mechanism. No indirect costs are awarded. Decisions will be announced in December, with funding to commence in January, 2019.
Acceptance of an award comes with the expectation that the trainee and his/her mentor will designate at least 2.5% of available indirect funds associated with chemosensory-related extramural grants to the UFCST.
Please address questions to: